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My Year In Twitter (Idle Words)#


My Year In Twitter

Eating a roqueforty-ouncer, spilling some for my hommies

Ments of the day: atone, base, content, pig and la

It burns when I peer into the abyss

Sharpening my Heroes-period Bowie knife

Cyrano Aspergerac

O tempura! O s'mores!

Your kiss is on my list — in what appears to be your handwriting

My other car is running over your honor student

Crossing and re-crossing the Bosphorus in order to eat the things that swim in it.

If being overly dramatic is a crime then maybe I should just kill myself

Celebrating Crush Hashanah

Sines of the day: ur, co and kero

It takes forty muscles to frown, twenty-seven to smile, but none to just shut it

How to explain to someone that the attraction you feel towards them is strictly gravitational?

Today's pressions: re, ex, sup, im and more op

Activity idea: die in a fire

God grant me the strength to crush the things I can / a knife to stab the things I can't / and sixty million dollars

Vote up if you think this is Reddit

Craving one-time-pad thai, the only cryptographically secure noodles.

I have you listed here under "Accounts Crushable"

Ments of the day: atone, base, content, pig and la

Petunia non olet. Sending it back

Happy 9/11!

Eating a ritalinzer torte

Today's featured pres: monition, ening, ference, tension and hensile

Check out my spread in the "30 sysadmins under 300" issue of Basement Living magazine. Only Mom can tame these server room bad boys!

Why is the democratic convention not combined with Burning Man? On Saturday, we set Obama on fire!

E shortibus tardum

Today's parties: dance, third, sausage and Donner

Camembert and Ernie

Misread an olympic fencing event title as "men's individual fail"

Today's featured overdrives: maximum, electronic and Bachman-Turner

Koan of the day: how do you get to third base when they're too young to understand baseball?

Enjoying an organ dönor kebab

No oxygen, no sherpas

Quality is job NaN

Supine: the thinking man's prone

Secretary at Twitter has portrait of Trotsky for her desktop. They don't make a stress ball strong enough for the squeezing I need to do

Today's featured equilibria: punctuated, hydrostatic, and emotional

Craving a bucket of fried tuna of the sky

Rails makes coding hip / no architectural plan / birds fly off with whale

SPOILER ALERT: inevitable death

Touching your perfect body with my mind. Also maybe a little bit the hands

Scraping love barnacles from the hull of my relationship


Today's roons: came, ma, octo, c and polt

Whatever does not kill me can only sap at my dwindling strength

Maybe the reason my laptop's motherboard is having so many issues is a withholding fatherboard

20 year old Twitter consultants talking stocks. "Sometimes it's nice to look at the market and see you're up 10K." Only A/C prevents me leaving.

Doing my best to follow Jesus but I think He's trying to shake me

When life hands you Stanisław Lem, make Stanisław Lemonade

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