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Idle Words In Print (Idle Words)#


Idle Words In Print

I'm proud to say that my pizza post of not long ago was published in an anthology called 'Best Food Writing 2005'. The fieldwork paid off! The anthology looks like the perfect awkward, last-minute gift for a foodie that you don't know too well, so I'm including this handy Amazon link:

I've also found a car-free convenient path to Nunzio's in Staten Island, the pizzeria I celebrate in that blog entry. Take the Staten Island ferry, transfer onto the Staten Island Railroad (aka the subway) and get out at the Grant City stop. Then walk three blocks east to Hylan Boulevard, and walk left two blocks to a big white building - you can choose between a friendly counter up front or a sit-down dining room in back. The counter lets you eat hot slices in series, but you actually don't need to do that at Nunzio's - the pizza stays delicious as it cools, and doesn't turn rubbery. Show me another New York pizzeria that can pull that off!

Travel time is far longer than you'd expect, but most of that is a leisurely ferry ride, and there's a liquor store right next to the Grant City stop. Just saying.