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Painting Fund (Idle Words)#


Painting Fund

Dearest readers,

It's time for me to join the crowd and come to you, hat in hand, to solicit a donation. The difference is, instead of encouraging my writing habit, any contributions you make will go into the Idle Words painting fund.

As regular readers know, I've been trying to wean myself from the world of computers and try again to make a life as a painter. Naturally, my first instinct as a painter is to go straight on the dole.

Some examples of my work: Dirty dishes, a swank riverboat, Polish donuts, a barn in Scotland.

Any contribution you make will go directly to defraying the costs of paints, brushes, canvas, solvents, and all of the many expenses that start to accrue when you get painting at a good clip. Here are some sample contributions, and what they will pay for:

  • $7.00 - A really nice detail brush (the pointy kind)
  • $25.00 - A good large brush (1.5")
  • $12.00 - A tube of white paint
  • $50.00 - A roll of primed canvas, good for a dozen pictures
  • $1.50 - A box of tacks
  • $21.50 - A quart of Turpenoid, the "paint solvent that won't give you cancer!?"
  • $350 - Twelve weeks of figure drawing classes at the New York Academy of Art
  • $2,450,000 - Spacious studio/loft overlooking Central Park

I've put the link over on the right, under the heading "Tin Cup". And here is another link for the lazy. If you would like to be added to a forthcoming Patrons' Page, send me your confirmation number after making a donation. No amount is too small!

But if you can only make one donation this year, go over and help Daypop. They need your help for their site to survive.

Idle Words

brevity is for the weak

Your Host

Maciej Cegłowski
maciej @


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