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The West Coast is the Best Coast (Idle Words)#


The West Coast is the Best Coast

Next week I am going to be in Los Angeles for the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists. I am not an archivist, just a dabbler, and I figure this is a good chance to learn from people who actually know what they're doing. I had visions of cardigans and wire-rim glasses in my head, but these archivists are a surprisingly active bunch. The list of pre-conference tours includes a camping trip to Yosemite (which I am too chicken to join), various historical walks around L.A. (which sounds vaguely masochistic) and the Holy Grail of tours itself, a visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I can hardly wait for that. If you read this blog and/or live in L.A., do drop me a line and we can have a plate of tacos together. Also, I could use some suggestions for where to run an 11-mile loop without being hit by too many cars. I have a car of my own to get around in; the hotel itself is just west of Beverly Hills.