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The Great Antonio (Idle Words)#


The Great Antonio

Blork has written a nice farewell to the Great Antonio, an old-time Quebec strongman who died on Monday. His description of seeing the faded Antonio sitting on a park bench reminds me of the terrible day in high school when I realized that one of our Polish janitors was Wojciech Fortuna, winner of the Olympic gold medal in ski jumping at Sapporo.

Meanwhile, back in the States, our own strongmen are alive, thriving, and assuming elected office. And I am off again to Charlottesville, Virginia, looking forward to more grits and biscuits.

It's my belief that software, just like biscuits, is best served fresh, still warm from the compiler. So I'm writing tomorrow's demo on the plane - wish me luck!

Update: Montreal blogger Kate McDonnell writes in with a nice recent photo of the Great Antonio, and her own farewell.