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Heading to ETCON (Idle Words)#


Heading to ETCON

It's time for me to cross the continent towards the O'Reilly Emerging Technology conference.

For the past few months, I've been very good about keeping search engine geekiness out of this weblog, trying instead to distill it into my talk. It's called "Peer-to-Peer Semantic Search Engines", and it's on Wednesday afternoon. If you are at the conference, please come! The peer-to-peer bit is self-explanatory, while "semantic search" means a search that doesn't restrict itself to exact keyword matches, but makes smart guesses about what you are after. A "do what I mean" kind of search engine. It will make you happy.

For all the people who are interested in this stuff but can't spare a couple of thousand dollars to attend a conference, I'll be posting my slides for the talk right here Real Soon Now. And you can always just download the source code.