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Lessig and Media Concentration (Idle Words)#


Lessig and Media Concentration

Lawrence Lessig posts a brilliant letter from an Aussie on the risks of media concentration. Australia is down to two media conglomerates now, which own pretty much everything, and aren't afraid to use their power.

Lessig has been campaigning against a 'deregulation' initiative that will lead to even further consolidation of media companies here in the states. Vermont is a great example of the dangers of media consolidation - the newspaper in the state's largest city, the Gannett-owned Burlington Free Press, managed to make it through the entire civil unions debate without mentioning it on the editorial page. The silence was deafening.

Luckily for us, the rival Rutland Herald didn't shy away from the issue, and earned itself a Pulitzer Prize for its trouble.

But what happens when there's no rival to pick up the slack? Have you heard anything good on the radio lately?