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Old Bloggers (Idle Words)#


Old Bloggers

Dave Winer worries about definitions:

A thought occurred to me during the closing panel at yesterday's conference. When asked for a show of hands of people who care what a blog is, three peoples' hands shot up: David Weinberger, Doc Searls and mine. I thought, what is it that we three have in common. Politely -- we're all intellectuals.

Not so politely - you're all geezers. The people who ultimately get to define what a blog is aren't going to be the attendees of a New Media conference. They'll be the kids who are just now getting into blogging.

Just look at the Lord of the Flies blogosphere in Poland. It didn't exist two years ago, and suddenly it has spread to every schoolkid with a modem. You can see the same thing happening at our own LiveJournal.

None of these kids are looking for definitions. They're just doing it, and soon we'll be trying to catch up with them.